mBIT Coach Certification

mBraining is a simple, gentle and yet extremely effective way to reach greater clarity, calm and strength in work and in life. mBIT Coaching is a set of powerful techniques for tapping into the intelligence of our head, heart and gut. In this course you learn to communicate with and align all three of your clients intelligences.
What Will You Learn In The mBIT Coach Certification?
You can now qualify in these coaching techniques. Over the course of four days, you learn how to communicate with and align the three intelligences.
mBIT coaching can be a stand-alone coaching technique or be complementary to a number of different coaching techniques and therapies.
For more detailed information about the course content and mBraining in Scandianvia, please visit the Scandinavian mBraining site.

- The 9 prime functions of our head, heart and gut and how they each contribute to our abilities and intelligence
- The 5 types of neural integration constraints, also known as NICs, which gives you a deep understanding of how our intelligences can be in conflict with each other and how to work through those constraints in order to achieve alignment.
- How to balance the autonomic nervous system through balanced breathing, which is also a powerful stress reduction technique.
- A thorough understanding of each intelligence’s core competencies and how they can express themselves differently when our autonomic nervous system isn't balanced.
- How wisdom can be achieved through the Highest Expressions of each intelligence; compassion (heart), creativity (head) and courage (gut).
- The technique Neutral Syntax Mapping, where you can quickly map out the neurological syntax of the person you are working with.
- The mBIT Foundational Sequence, which is the basic sequence that most people tap in to their intelligences in. By working in the right sequence, we can achieve better results.
- How you can use Neural Integration Enhancers (NIEs) to make the integration between the three intelligences even stronger.
What Certified Coaches Say!
To take the mBIT Coach Certification with Christel was fantastic. Head, gut and above all heart was along for every second of the course. I developed personally as well as professionally as a coach. Christel is a very gifted teacher and meets every person with warmth. I started using my new tools directly after the course and my first client said “This really goes deep”.

Marie Norder Aspholm
ICC Certified Coach, mBIT Coach
Whether you looking for a really gifted coach or you want to become a certified mBIT Coach yourself, I can highly recommend Christel. With precision, wisdom and knowledge she guides you where you want to go by using mBraining techniques. She walks the talk when it comes to using our three intelligences: head, heart and gut. Add warmth, love and compassion and you get an idea of what she adds to the course…

Viveca Kuylenstierna
NLP Master Practitioner, mBIT Coach
Frequently Asked Questions
These some most common questions about mBIT Coach Certification.
Traditional coaching techniques tend to be focused on goals and mapping
out a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals. mBIT Coaching is less
focused on a specific goal and more focused on aligning the three
intelligences in relation to a wish or a challenge. What many mBIT coaches
experience is that the goal the client started out with evolves to something
else once their intelligences are fully aligned. That is why the starting point
of mBIT coaching is alignment and balance instead of a specific goal.
Yes. Christel teaches the mBIT Certification course in both Danish and Swedish. She is a native speaker in both languages.
No. To learn how to facilitate an mBIT process it's necessary for you to
practice your skills under the guidance of a certified MBIT Trainer. That is
why the mBIT Coach Certification is onty available as in-house training.
The best place to find the Scandinavian course schedule for MBIT Coach
Certification training is on the Scandinavian mBraining website. In Sweden,
Christel runs MBIT Coach Certifications at Skandinaviska Ledarhégskolan,
So if you are based in Sweden you can also check out their website.
mBraining is an exciting new coaching discipline, which was developed and
launched by Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka in 2012. mBraining has its
foundation in neuroscience, but draws up on a number of different
disciplines like NLP, cognitive linguistics and even ancient wisdom
traditions. mBraining is something described as a discipline where
neuroscience and ancient wisdom meet.
Globally there are just over 2,200 certified mBIT Coaches and just over 100
certified Trainers. In Scandinavia there are approx 40 certified mBIT
Coaches, most of them in Sweden and all trained by Christel F. Land.
What Is the Implication of the Field of mBIT Being Young? S$
The field of mBraining has existed since 2012 and there are now mBIT
Coaches on every continent. Although it has spread quickly, it is also still a
young and new field and as such there is the possibility to be a pioneer in
your own way. It offers the possibility to put your own fingerprint on the
development of mBraining in Scandinavia and to be part of the
development of mBraining globally.
The course is four days long. The first day is mostly traditional classroom
training, where you learn the theoretical foundation of mBraining. The other
three days are dedicated to learning the practical MBIT tools and practising
them through exercises. On the fourth day, you will guide a fellow course
member through a full mBIT coaching session and this exercises is the one
which your certification is based on.